Zhakami Zhako's Research & ProductionZhakami Zhako's Research & Production

Open World Movement Logic System for SaccFlight

# Zhakami's Open World Movement Logic System for VRC's Sacchan Flight and Vehicles This system allows you to fly further than the usual 20km x 20km floating point limit for VRC. This can also be applied for standard Unity, but this system is tailored for VRC. # !! LIMITATIONS !! - You will have to disable static batching, and may have to seek appropriate optimizations without it. Open World Movement Logic is an extension for Sacc Flight and Vehicles that allows you to travel further than the usual limitations of VRChat. An ordinary SaccFlight map can only handle up to 40km x 40km from the center of the map all the way to the edge and everything will start to jitter. OWML overcomes this by using a certain implementation called origin point shifting. How it works is basically moving the map hierarchy as you cross the certain distance limit, shifting you back and teleporting the map according to the distance you have travelled while in the background, the synchronization does its job. How the player synchronization works is it needs a player manager, a VRC Station to each player, and a controller on each VRCStation in order to adapt and synchronize each player according to their offset of their current position and the map. Sample world: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_7a001430-07b4-42f8-b24e-206a8dc75a8e Any concerns, please feel free to contact me or head to my discord under #OWML-talk or #OWML-support https://discord.gg/kjPhHSfUDY

# Zhakami's Open World Movement Logic System for VRC's Sacchan Flight and Vehicles This system allows you to fly further than the usual 20km x 20km floating point limit for VRC. This can also be applied for standard Unity, but this system is tailored for VRC. # !! LIMITATIONS !! - You will have to disable static batching, and may have to seek appropriate optimizations without it. Open World Movement Logic is an extension for Sacc Flight and Vehicles that allows you to travel further than the usual limitations of VRChat. An ordinary SaccFlight map can only handle up to 40km x 40km from the center of the map all the way to the edge and everything will start to jitter. OWML overcomes this by using a certain implementation called origin point shifting. How it works is basically moving the map hierarchy as you cross the certain distance limit, shifting you back and teleporting the map according to the distance you have travelled while in the background, the synchronization does its job. How the player synchronization works is it needs a player manager, a VRC Station to each player, and a controller on each VRCStation in order to adapt and synchronize each player according to their offset of their current position and the map. Sample world: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_7a001430-07b4-42f8-b24e-206a8dc75a8e Any concerns, please feel free to contact me or head to my discord under #OWML-talk or #OWML-support https://discord.gg/kjPhHSfUDY



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